Implement Smart Policies for Management, Monitoring and Environmental Prevention

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About the project

safer cbc area

overall objective

joint risk management

Joint implementation of smart policies for management, monitoring and environmental protection in the cross-border region of the municipalities of Trgovište and Kostinbrod.
specific objective

Joint disaster prevention

Joint organization for action in the event of disasters, accidents and catastrophic and making an assessment of the situation.


Conducting joint research, studies and analyzes on the policies in place to manage, monitor and prevent the environment in the cross-border area of the Trgovište and Kostinbrod municipalities.

online platform

Establishing of an internet-based platform for data exchange between the municipalities of Trgovište and Kostinbrod related to environmental protection, prevention and protection from disasters.

action plan

Preparation of a joint action plan between the two partner municipalities, environmental management and monitoring activities and disaster prevention and catastrophic events.


Purchase of equipment for environmental management and monitoring and for disaster protection in Trgovište and Kostinbrod.


Joint training for Emergency Management and Response and creating a cross-border network of volunteers.


Action measures and methods of cooperation identified between people, institutions and the community as a whole to address common challenges in managing and preserving the environment in the cross-border area.


Increased awareness of the need for common action to protect the environment and natural resources in the region.


Improved coordination between partners in case of emergence or danger of occurrence of disaster situations and accidents.


Established real technical conditions for organization of work and actions in the event of disasters, accidents and catastrophic events on the CBC territory endangering the life and health of the population.

CBC network

Established cross-border network of volunteers and their training for action in disasters and crises, commitment and awareness of the importance protecting the environment as a whole.
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In case you are aware of a location prone to natural disasters and its devastating effects, please contacts us so we can assess it and include it in our joint database.
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The Project is co-funded by EU through the Interreg-IPA CBC Bulgaria-Serbia Programme.
Total ammount of funding by the Programme: 498.446,73

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Municipality of Trgovište. All rights reserved.

Project name: Implement Smart Policies for Management, Monitoring and Environmental Prevention

This website was created and maintained with the assistance of the European Union through the Interreg-IPA CBC Bulgaria-Serbia Programme, CCI No 2014TC16I5CB007. The contents of this website are the sole responsibility ofMunicipality of Trgovište and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union or the Managing Authority of the Programme.